

JUSTIN | 16 years old

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online experience

  • Fortnite Tournaments

offline experience

  • Brawlhalla Couch Party


Dear Esport Team Selection Committee,

I am writing this letter to express my sincere interest in joining your esteemed esports team. As a dedicated and passionate gamer, I firmly believe that I possess the qualities, skills, and attitude that would make me a valuable addition to your team.

1. {Commitment and Dedication}: Throughout my gaming journey, I have consistently displayed a strong commitment to improving my skills. I have spent countless hours honing my gameplay mechanics, studying strategies, and refining my decision-making. This unwavering dedication showcases my willingness to put in the hard work required to succeed at the highest level.

2. {Adaptability and Learning Agility}: Esports is a dynamic field where meta and strategies can change rapidly. My ability to adapt quickly to new patches, game updates, and evolving tactics demonstrates that I can stay ahead of the curve. I relish the challenge of learning and integrating new information to consistently perform at my best.

3. {Team Player Mentality}: I understand that esports success is a collective effort. Effective communication, cooperation, and synergy among team members are crucial for achieving victory. My collaborative spirit, receptive attitude to feedback, and eagerness to contribute to team discussions make me an ideal candidate for enhancing team dynamics.

4. {Strong Analytical Skills}: Success in esports often hinges on intricate analysis of opponents' strategies and identifying weaknesses. I pride myself on my analytical thinking and the ability to dissect gameplay scenarios to make informed decisions that can lead to victory.

5. {Resilience and Sportsmanship}: In the competitive world of esports, maintaining a positive attitude during both victories and defeats is essential. I possess the resilience to bounce back from setbacks and the sportsmanship to acknowledge opponents' skill while striving to improve myself and my team.

6. {Continuous Improvement}: I have a growth-oriented mindset and am committed to continuous improvement. Whether it's refining my aim, broadening my character pool, or understanding game mechanics at a deeper level, I am always seeking ways to enhance my performance.

7. {Representing Your Team}: If given the opportunity, I will proudly represent your team not only through my gameplay but also by embodying the values and professionalism that your team stands for. I understand the responsibility that comes with being a team member and will ensure that I uphold the reputation of the team at all times.

In conclusion, I am deeply motivated to contribute my skills, dedication, and passion to the success of your team. I genuinely believe that I can add value to the team's strategies and contribute positively to its growth. Thank you for considering my application. I eagerly await the chance to discuss how my strengths align with your team's goals in further detail.




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