

Jesús Muñiz | 29 years old

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Create an awesome project and play fortnite competitively on the european scene.

online experience

  • Multiple counter strike semiprofessional teams

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hey, my name is chusii and ive been playing fortnite since day 1 release. I thinked a lot about this and i really want to start a project of a team, which will be casual at the start, will be testing a lot of people to find the best squad possible and as soon as possible start playing little tournaments. I think this is a good way to improve as a players, and who knows maybe with luck make that jump to the competitive scene of fortnite. I have some experience on the competitive esports world at counter strike and i know that making a project like this is hard but not impossible with work and work.
Im happy to announce that my team "Revival" will be looking for 3 or more players in order to start making this dream to happen. So if you are experienced in the game and have the enough ambition to make this work... i dont know what are you waiting to apply.


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