Counter-Strike 2


David | 17 years old

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ELO : 25,000-29,999
Riffle AWP Leader in game


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Work, practice, have fun and get to know new people.

online experience

  • CS2
  • World of Warcraft
  • League of Legends

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  • No experiences yet


I'm KCdast, I've begun playing cs and perform on it ever since 2020, although I do know that now Counter Strike 2 is the new update and version of the game but I'm here to my years of experience as a youngster who's played against pro's in its lifetime. I did not get to win any cups or have the chance to take part in a team as everyone is trying to progress so they can EARN money, unfortunately when I get into CS2 I want to prove that I'll make your hand shake on your mouse if you ever play against me. Throughout my years of practicing in CS and losing due to meeting people who had bad temper, I am a big fanatic of World of Warcraft, one of the largest MMO's in existence. From my experience, as a creative person, to get more in depth about why I've decided to mention World of Warcraft, is because at the age of 15 I had enough experience to Raid lead 20 people daily. If you never played World of Warcraft and you don't know what raid leading is, it's when you take control of the BAD situation your party is in and guide them through the In-game content which was either related to PvPing other players or defeating Raid bosses with complex Strats. All evidence of me doing this stuff is on my youtube channel : KeeDCop , I am usually livestream everyday, either practicing in CS2 and trying to continue my journey on lvling up my CS2 FACEIT account or playing Warcraft alone.
I do love to take part in communities and get to know and understand new people. Unfortunately I never had the luck to find/be found or fit in a group of people who had the same interests as me. I don't look for players who necessarily know these two games at a PRO Standard or Level as I could find myself in many situations where I could also learn a thing or two. I never tried to CREATE a Team as I am not the type of person who wants to gather but mostly Achieve and learn even through losing.
I am also trying to shoot my shot high, but deep inside I feel like I've wasted all my chances and I would need other people's help to grow me so I can bring them up aswell. Through a small team of skilled players, I would love to find myself in a hard in-game situation and bring other people's moral and game up.
I do not have any current MATCHMAKING CS rank as I am only playing on FACEIT do to the extra ANTI-CHEAT provided, but I have reached The Global Elite more than once in my lifetime.
I have played and learned different positions in my CS career, positions such as Lurker, Scope and Entry Fragger. I don't have any issues with the new CS and I have very good GAMBA predictions where many people have kept asking me where and how I knew that a player was behind a wall without making a sound by looking at the very IN-GAME stats and knowing by taking probabilities and passing good & unexpected calls.
I would love to be tried out by a team in a completely random game so I can show and prove my abilities.


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