Counter-Strike 2

GUNCASE and steam link

Josh | 20 years old

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ELO : 5,000-9,999
Riffle AWP


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1. Looking for a team to be apart of and grow with.
2. Willing to do tournaments and scrims and participate in.
3. I have a decent microphone and such and will be able to give callouts.
4. I am 16 years old and can participate in competive events.

online experience

  • I have played a few tournaments done not half bad. I have also done some and did horribly with the time.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hello my name is GUNCASE I have been playing csgo for a few years. I am looking for a team to come back to. I did a few faceit tourneys and some comp experience. I am looking for a team to a. improve my gameplay and better competive strats to get even more better. b. I am looking for a team I can be apart of and to dedicate myself to. I am willing to put in the hours and grind whenever. c. I have an open schedule to do scrims (thus not having extreme time restrications and such). I havent been in all that good of teams and 1 was kind of shitty. I am not rascist nor extremely toxic or disrepectful. I am very much willing to improve listen to coaches and leaders to improve in the competitive department. I also can do my best to give helpful callouts aswell. I also have the ability to record clips and or gameplay or needed to analyze footage. I also possibly thinking of doing clips and or montages in the future.


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