Call of Duty: Warzone


Bogdan | 123 years old

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I slowly started to design some social media pages on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, etc. because I want to start streaming in the near future. I just need a team that I can play consistent with, in order to improve together.

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I started playing Call of Duty one and a half year ago, when my housemate form the UK got me into it. I enjoyed playing the game and being part of a team since day 1 and been playing the game religiously ever since. It took me a bit time to learn the mechanics of the game, but playing with top players with over 5 years experience and practice, it made me push my limits and evolve really fast in terms of playstyle and teamwork. After finishing university, I had to move to Canada and it's a bit more difficult to play with my old team due to huge time difference and high ping when playing on their servers. Whenever I have the luck to get some decent, communicative randomers I manage to suit their playstyle and most of the time win the game or at least Top 5. My KD is 1.15 but I consider that this doesn't define me as a player. I tend to play a lot of games solo due to my passion for the game and my eagerness to get better.


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