Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


| N/A years old

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Craigary#26277 icon
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Player Player
Movie maker Movie maker
Webmaster Webmaster
Leader Leader
Community Manager Community Manager
Staff Staff
Webdesigner Webdesigner
Coach Coach
Manager Manager
Editor Editor


Working for, or playing as a functioning member of a team.

online experience

  • KrMa Gaming - was Co - Leader and in charge of logistical activities. Gathered sponsors and created our image. Also headed a clip making team.
  • Synergy roleplay - not cod related but head admin of a GMod server as well as GMC, handled customer server environments and supervised a staff team. Lead my own team of gamemasters.

offline experience

  • I’ve lived life to the fullest, working when I can, enjoying the world for what it truly is in my free time. If you can think of it I’ve probably done it.


I am an 18 year old, currently on dep with the navy. I grew up playing Xbox (started on the original) playing games like call of duty 2 and golden eye. I have played every call of duty, and strive for the tough challenges. Besides being an avid gamer I appreciate other types of pass times such as graphics design and video editing. I am a jack of all trades and enjoy laughs, as well as meeting and befriending people.


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This player is no longer available

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