Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


jacob | 25 years old

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Compete in pro tournaments some day

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Hello! I am a Call of duty vet i would say ive been playing for 11 years but competitive is new to me. I would love to find a team who is willing to give me the chance to see what real comp team is like and help me grow. I already have good game sense and gun skill, but competitive (the few games of the CDL playlist i have played) is much different than what im used to. My KDR is 1.79 and the think i need to work on most is working as a team because i rarely if at all ever play with a full squad. My goal is to see how competitive fits me and if i can improve on the skills i already have maybe someday compete. I am primarily looking for players/ team who is interested in playing comp in the new COD Blackops Coldwar. I would like to get into it as fast as possible and learn the maps, strats and callouts while everyone else is. If you are looking for a player for the new cod please message me on here and we talk.


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