Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Josephine | 124 years old

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I love to play the game so i may be active alot of COD. I am always down to play whenever is needed. I am always here to learn diffrent playstyles and how the person runs the team and how the team plays.

online experience

  • I can use any gun
  • I have played for aslong as COD excisted

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I want to compete at my highest standerds as a gamer. I want to win and play with a team and show off my skills in game. I mainly play Call Of Duty Modern Warfare but i sometimes play Fortnite. I have been playing Modern Warfare since it was released in 2019 and i have been able to join many teams since then and win in many tournements.

I wish to find my perfect team in gaming and hope to win some games with them like i did with my other teams

My goal in gaming is to prove that girls can play games to and win tournemts in teams and even play solo.


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