Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Justin | 29 years old

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My hope is to get on a team and work on team tactics with players as good or better then myself and make long lasting friendships, as i have always been the one to solo queue in teams. Major goals to be on a pro team and play major tournaments.

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I have been a lifelong gamer since my first console, the Nintendo 64. I have loved playing competitive since halo reach on the 360 (SWAT mode was my favorite!) my first game on PC being CS 1.6. Having always been very competitive I strive to do well in most games I play, but doing the best in FPS shooter such as CSGO, COD, APEX, and many others, by playing every day and learning from what i do wrong in game, while trying to have fun at the same time. I have been top 1% of COD players for as long as I have been playing Warzone, averaging 8+ kills at the minimum with 3k damage, and trying to stream to get some recognition of my skill, I figure joining a team is the best way to improve my skill along with reputation.


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