Call of Duty: Black Ops 4


Razvan Marina | 126 years old

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
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Leader Leader
LAN Player LAN Player
Shoutcaster Shoutcaster


I wanna be in the big stage and everyone to remember my name !

online experience

  • Heroes of the Storm TOP 50 Europe and a lot of tournaments won
  • CS:GO Medium Esports activity
  • Lol Season 1-2 E sports medium activity
  • C.S 1.6 PGL 4-5 season (Divison D,C and B)
  • Overwatch Semifinals for qualifing for WORLD

offline experience

  • Heroes of the Storm: Won every lan in Romania (except 1 where i was 2nd)
  • CS:GO won some lans
  • C.S 1.6
  • Overwatch LANS (only 2nd places and 1 win on 3v3 )


Hello, My name is Marina "rZvEe" Razvan im from Romania and i ve been gaming since i was kid , basically i have my gaming skills in my blood , brain , body. My experience with E -sports is medium , won some lost more .
Pros and cons about me. I will start with pros : im very experience with tournaments and lans , I train hard and play even harder, i alwayse try to improve my self, i can be a solo player and a teammate player , even a support (depends on the game ) and more (can t really think of more right now ). Cons : im a morale player (working on fixing it , its better than last year ) , Sometimes i focus on my game and forget about coms ( working on it ) , I have good days and bad days but i usually overcome bad days with intense practice before an event .

Language that i speak : English and romanian

I dont mind going overseas for tournaments or gaming house


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