Battlefield 2042


Jeremy Reid | 30 years old

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I look forward to a career in gaming, whether that's professionally on a gaming team or uploading content to YouTube and Twitch. My goal is to reach a thousand subscribers on YouTube and become affiliated with Twitch. I have 277 subs on YouTube and around 15 followers on Twitch.

online experience

  • Since CoD 2 on PC, and Halo 2 on Xbox, I started there and never looked back. Most online shooters I play

offline experience

  • Bethesda games, RPGs and Roguelikes


I've been playing shooters for 20 plus years, gave always been known in my groups as usually the sweatiest, yet calm and precise person in the group for gaming. I spend a lot of time gaming, roughly 30-40 hours a week on average. My favorite franchises (that I'm also quite good at) are CoD, Battlefield, Gears of War, and Halo. I've played every game of the series (excluding older BF games) and I'm looking for a talented group of guys to support in their endeavors and vis versa. My comms are useful, accurate and usually leads to victory. When it comes down to clutching plays, I'm more or less 50-50 on ant given situation depending on game mode and circumstances.

My best qualities are communication, high level reactions, accuracy and relatively good movements. As long as a group of guys who are more or less as dedicated as I am, it will usually lead to success. I do upload videos on my YouTube channel, edit my own content, and design my own logos. I stream on Twitch every other day as well as spend hours digging through my clips to upload the highest quality plays that I possibly can.


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