Apex Legends


Asher | 28 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
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My ambitions are to get to that potential of running with a team everyday doesn't matter the hour. Im willing to put in the work that i need to do and get it done. Ive been running solo's for years and can handle my own end i wish others would too but its vegas in lobbies. I wanna do better and be better and grow with a group of people i can call teamates and friends at the end of the day. Im a team player and dont rage when bad calls are made. I make up for my own mistakes and learn from them. I wanna go against these pro teams and smile when we win the game.

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What's good? I go by "Prime"

I've been very determined to get into pro play increasing my gameplay personally and with others. I have noticed I play better when I'm with a full squad instead of running solo's which is what I've done over the years and quite haven't had that feeling that I was reaching my potential as a player. I've been a QC supervisor for 4 years and I have a keen eye for mistakes or problems and if I mess up or if someone else does ill recognize the issue and fix the issue at hand. Strat calling as far as making those tough calls or taking those safe routes as deemed necessary for what's to come around the corner if it gets a little to spicy. I'm willing to prove what I got through lan and don't have a problem showing. I can be a leader when needed. If someone is choking up i can step in and take lead if need be. Hopefully you take a chance or even do a test run with me to see what i can do or if its just for warm ups. I play different champs to match the teams energy or what they need me to do. (cant play crypto or wattson still in the learning curve)


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