Apex Legends


Michael Bowers | 27 years old

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I hope to become a top apex player in the world and would like to get to the point to where I can make this a full time job.

online experience

  • Have played video games for 15+ Years.
  • Played apex legends since the release.

offline experience

  • Very good communication skills
  • Very good at working with a team.


My name is Michael I have played apex legends since it’s release and it’s by far my favorite game. This was my first game I started playing ranked on and absolutely love playing ranked. I have made diamond 3 different seasons including last season. I was able to do all of that while being in college and playing sports so now that I’m done with all of that I’m looking to take my game to a bigger level and become a top apex player in the world. I have always loved games and I would like to take that to the next level and join and a team that can help me grow as a player and one that can compete in tournaments. Teams looking to recruit me will have a dedicated teammate who is looking to win and develop their skills. I am new to the esports scene and stuff so I will need a team that’s okay with taking me under the wing and helping me get the hang of things.


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