Apex Legends


Chris Kim | 22 years old

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I want to progress and see my own skills flourish, but most important of all I want to win. Second and third place maybe great for some but second just means that I didn't do something that first place had done. That is my drive: to become number one.

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I was began playing Apex when my friends introduced (forced) me to play with them and surprisingly I did not like it at all. For a few months I began developing a love hate relationship with the game. Being a newer player and having only started at Season 8 it was quite hard playing against seasoned veterans of the game. Only after playing solo que and started my rank progression did I really start enjoying the game.

It began quite slow only reaching gold after days and days in each tier. Every time I played I grew more and more frustrated because I wanted to win. I craved the adrenaline of seeing in big words "You Are The Champion." I love seeing my own progress and as many other players have fallen into plateaus yet I always manage to get out of them through extensive research onto my play style and introspective thought.

I am a mainly solo que player when it comes to ranked, but have had a fair share of 3 ques with some people in the past. Through working with a squad I was able to get into Diamond. I am a very team orientated player and have a tendency for shot calling. I have come to the realization in my solo que games that if nobody is going to say anything or just go with the flow it will always end in our deaths before we win. I work well in high intensity situations and and shot calling, but just as well work as a follower and active listener. I have a great time working with others and hope to work with similar minded and talented people.


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