Apex Legends


Dylan | 20 years old

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I aspire to not only join a Pro team but to succeed with that team and build a strong relationship with my teammates and others in the community.
Apex is a game I am passionate about and building my own community off that would mean the world to me.

online experience

  • Apex
  • Overwatch
  • Valorant
  • Fortnite

offline experience

  • Borderlands 3
  • Borderlands 2
  • Borderlands
  • Borderlands pre-sequel


Hiya I'm Dylan, commonly known as Jones, I am 18 years of age and from east of England, I aspire to play professionally within Apex Legends and try my best to succeed with a team.
I started playing Apex the week of launch and took a hiatus between mid season 1- mid season 4 when I picked the game back up again and then began playing ranked thoroughly enjoying being an IGL while still being open to others ideas, with this I was able to do really quite well within the limits of playing solo q entirely throughout my apex journey, In total I have approximately 1800 hours, with that time I was able to quickly learn all new movement tech such as tap-staffing, super gliding, wall bouncing, infinite wall bounces etc. learning all the mechanics of the game helped me not only enjoy the game all that much more but it also helped me perform better as an individual, As a solo q IGL I try my best to navigate the team not only in fights but outside of them too assuring not only our survival but success too in gaining KP.
Outside of Apex I also play games such as Valorant and Overwatch.

I also upload some of the funny and good clips from my games to TikTok whether that be Apex, Valorant or Overwatch. I have tried streaming over on Twitch and I did enjoy it, I stopped doing that, however I am always up for picking it back up in means of getting out there more.

PS. I play a variety of legends on Apex being mostly Horizon and Gibraltar.


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