Apex Legends


Ian Furnish | N/A years old

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1. Become a Pro Gamer
2. Become a household name
3 Become better at comment, good decision making, and accuracy
4. Improve Stats
5. Play in tournaments.
6. Become a major contender.
7. Help my team achieve gaming honors
8. Get spoons
9. Get my friends into competitive gaming
10. Have fun and learn from the greats

online experience

  • 573 Online Games in Apex

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Game: Apex Legends
Battle Pass Level: 51
Overall Level: 68
Lifetime Damage: 78,276
Lifetime Damage AVG: 136.60
Lifetime Kills: 201
Season 5 Damage: 47,652
Season 5 Damage AVG: 146.17
Season 5 Kills: 118
Lifetime Wins: 12
Lifetime Games: 573
Lifetime Top 5: 101
Season 5 Wins: 9
Season 5 Games: 326
Season 5 Top 5: 64
Lifetime KDR: 0.33
Season 5 KDR: 0.34
Teammates Revived: 93
Teammates Respawned: 14
Assists: 94
Knockdowns: 262
Ranked Damage: 5,561
Ranked Kills: 10
Ranked Damage AVG: 173.78
Ranked KDR: 0.28
Ranked Knockdowns: 14
Ranked Assistant: 11
Ranked Receives: 6
Ranked Respawns: 1
Main Character: Watson
Other Side Characters: Gibraltar, Mirage, Loba (a lot of work needed for Loba)
Town/City: Portland 97236
State: Oregon
Years of Videogame Experience: 15
Age: 20
Birthday: August 20th
Apex Experience: Since Season 3, but really started putting effort into it at the end of Season 4.
A little bit about me: I've been playing videogames since I was 5. I really love videogames, and it's always been a dream of mine to compete, and to play with people that will teach me more by playing them, and by playing with them. I'm in it to learn and get better. I'm not one of those players who is just naturally good, but I am one of those players who learns by watching and puts 110% effort into learning every aspect of his craft. I would like to bring my friend MLGPanda200 along with me


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