
Team Enlighten


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Compete in smaller tournaments and grow as a team, until the chemistry is there and try to get into something much better.

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Hello my name is Logan or you can know me by my gamer tag Turtlis and I am the leader of team enlighten. I started team enlighten back in 2016 with my good online friend Vohkii, back in the days of black ops 3. As a small group of about six of us who would represent our logo in the black ops emblem maker and our clan tag, The emblem maker is where our first logo originated. Back then we wanted to be like our heroes from faze and obey alliance and grow to stardom as they did. Eventually our group fell apart to where it was just me and Vohkii left. With our loss of the group, and all the new guys we had met after forming the group came a long break where we hardly did anything EnL related. But our dreams still grew in our hearts and we still want to make something that one day people will recognize, our main goal now is our rebirth and start back up. We want to create a community of gamers that look out for each other and grow side by side, a group like the one we had lost, that cheers for each other and takes responsibility for our failures together. A family that could one day reach stardom because we never gave up and grew together. We want our org to be based on trust and values, and have as much fun together as we did when we always had a six man. Though the games we play may be different, that team loyalty and pride come through with all of the victories and even the defeats. Shed some light with us and join Team Enlighten if you think you got what it takes. Our org is currently looking for an overwatch team as in the past before our break we had two that competed on two different systems. With that time we found a Love for that game and we want to have a team playing in it once more. If you are interesting please don't hesitate to message us and see if you want to be part of our family in Team Enlighten!

  • gamer grind co, Gear4gamers
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